About ManchestorStory

Meet the Investors

Our strategic approach to investing was shaped by 80 years of combined experience in insurtech, fintech, and healthtech.

ManchesterStory is based in Des Moines, Iowa, the epicenter of insurance with a thriving technology community. Our experience with these insurance companies is what connects innovative startups with strategic capital to gain market position.

We’re lead investors 75 percent of the time, working side-by-side with our portfolio companies to accelerate innovation.

Ready to start working together?

Matt Kinley Headshot

Matt Kinley

Matt Kinley

Founding Partner

Dave Miles Headshot

Dave Miles

Dave Miles

Founding Partner

Scott Brueck headshot

Scott Brueck

Scott Brueck

Vice President Finance and Administration

Nicole Gunderson headshot

Nicole Gunderson

Nicole Gunderson


Mads Jensen headshot

Mads Jensen

Mads Jensen

Senior Associate

Jordan Walters

Jordan Walters


Kirstie Overton headshot

Kirstie Luehring

Kirstie Luehring

Administrative Assistant

Meet the Team